Female office worker smiling

Cloud Backup

Norton PC Cloud Backup‡‡ helps prevent the loss of photos and files due to ransomware or hard drive failures by storing them in the cloud.

Don’t lose what’s important to you. Automatically back up your files to the cloud.

Image cloud data.

What is Cloud Backup?

Cloud Backup‡‡ is a way to safely store copies of your computer files so you don’t lose them if your computer gets lost, damaged or hit with ransomware.

With Cloud Backup‡‡, you store copies of your files securely with a trusted provider like Norton on their remote servers, referred to as “the cloud.”

Backing up to the cloud means that if your computer is stolen, lost, its hard drive crashes, or a cybercriminal encrypts it with ransomware, you don’t lose the files that you need most.

External hard drive or online backup?

Hard drives only last so long. Online backup gives you a way to access your files and data from any device.

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What is storage in the cloud?

Cloud storage or backing up to the cloud is a way of storing data with a trusted provider that you access through an online connection.

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How does backup help in case of ransomware?

Backing up your computer’s most important information gives you peace of mind that you’ll have a backup of files to restore, just in case you need it.

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Have you considered all the risks?

There are many ways that your information can be lost – and only a few of them are accidental.

Hard drive fail

Your computer is just a machine, and sometimes they fail.

Accidental deletion

It could only take one wrong press of a button to lose an important file, folder, or more.

Natural disaster

A flood, home fire, or other disaster could take away important data and memories.


A thief in your home could walk away with a big chunk of your life, all with a simple grab of your computer.


A cyber thief can hold your data for ransom. How much would you be willing to pay to get it back?


Cybercriminals can find ways to access your computer (like a Remote Access Trojan) and do a lot of damage.

What is ransomware?

What’s at stake

What could it mean to you if you lose the information on your computer? We often don’t think about how much we have on our computers, or how difficult it would be to replace what’s important to us.


Weddings, graduations, baby’s first steps

Professional documents

Resume, copies of projects competed, documents published

Financial documents

Tax returns, investment portfolio, bank statements

Personal Information

Health records, documents with personally identifiable data like birthdate, mother’s maiden name, driver’s license

School work

College papers, group projects, study materials


Contacts, calendar, to-do lists


Family, friends, vacations, hobbies, projects

Laptop image cloud backup.

Screen is simulated and subject to change

Norton Cloud Backup

Norton 360 plans include Cloud Backup‡‡ to store and protect important files and documents against hard drive failures, stolen devices and even ransomware.

Don't risk losing your important files to loss or theft of your PC, hard drive failure or ransomware. Automatically back up your photos, financial files and other important documents of your choice on your Windows PC with the Cloud Backup feature in Norton 360.‡‡

Ready to backup your PC?

Frequently asked questions

What does it mean to backup data?

Backing up data is your way of helping to protect what’s on your computer by making a copy of it somewhere else. You can backup data to a physical hard drive separate from your computer or device, or you can back it up online with cloud storage. You can typically run a backup manually as needed, or schedule automatic backups to your online cloud storage.‡‡

‡‡ Requires your device to have an Internet/data plan and be turned on.

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